Terms of Service is a general Misskey instance run by @chives. You don't have to be a freak or post freak shit to join, but it helps.

Technical Note

Emails from this site are likely to go to spam due to factors presently outside of my control. When you register please check your spam folder, and if you still can't get your activation email, contact @BUNNYSLlME on Twitter.

Site Rules

  1. All users must be at least 18 years of age. No exceptions.
  2. Play nice. You will probably find things and people you do not like on this site. Luckily, Misskey has some pretty good block and mute features. Use them to your advantage.
    • “Call out” posts are not allowed. If you have substantiated evidence user is a genuine threat to others on the server, contact moderation.
  3. Don't do anything that gets the mod or the server in trouble. The server is hosted in the U.S., so follow American law. You will not be banned for *discussing* illegal activities if it doesn't otherwise break our rules, but we are not held accountable for any consequences. For example, you can discuss drugs on the site. You cannot sell drugs on the site.
  4. For the most part, we want to encourage freedom of expression. However, the following content is banned:
    • Sexual or suggestive photographic depictions of individuals under 18. Fictional images thereof that are highly realistic or depict real people are also banned.
    • Sexual or suggestive photographs published without the subject's consent.
    • Political or scientific misinformation and deepfakes.
    • Advocating sexual interaction with children or animals, sexual assault, terrorism, violent crimes, Nazi-ism, or related topics.
    • Discriminatory or hate speech, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, transphobia, etc.
    • Death threats, suicide baiting, or other forms of targeted harassment.
    • Malware, commercial spam, or other content that hurts the server or it's users.
  5. Fictional content and jokes about the above topics are broadly allowed, unless it is indistinguishable from real content by a reasonable viewer, targeted at users who are uncomfortable with it, or is otherwise against the rules
  6. Mark all NSFW media as such. This is defined as anything with explicit nudity, sexual acts, or gore beyond minor blood. If you exclusively or primarily post NSFW, look in the profile settings for the NSFW option to toggle the option on by default.
  7. If in doubt, use the content warning system. If you're doing your best to let people know what they're getting into up front, you're probably going to be okay.
  8. TL;DR: Don't be a dick, don't get the FBI called on us unless it's a super cool reason.


    I do not want to actually use the moderation tools, but I will if I gotta.

    Offending posts will be deleted. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you may receive an informal warning, a formal warning, or be banned entirely. Informal warnings don't go on any record. Formal warnings are recorded, and you will be banned if you ever get three of them.

    False or bad faith reports may be subject to similar penalties under rule 1.

    Friendly Reminders

    This server is run by one person who is new to server administration. It will have errors and bugs and downtime. I make no guarantees other than to try my best. Please back things up if they're important to you. If I ever close the server, I will try to let everyone know ahead of time. These rules may change in the future. If they do, I will try to let everyone know ahead of time.

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